Sunday, April 6, 2008

A warm feeling

well today was Lauren's enrolment and what a great day it was. But it was also a chance for me to go back to the Corps that I left at Christmas time. It was great seeing everyone again and to see how the Corps is starting to grow. I felt like I had never left and in fact I got more out of the meeting than the Corps that I have been going too. I could really feel the Holy Spirit moving today.
I suppose I could say that I had completely lost my faith in the first few months of this year, didnt wear uniform and didnt care about religion and spirituality at all. I thought that I could live without it. I only went to church for the fellowship with other people and to fill in the day a bit.
A few weeks before Easter, I was encouraged to go to Easter Camp and I resisted this for quite a few weeks. I was so against going. Eventually I was persuaded to go but still didnt want to. Well am I glad I went. It has been a turning point in my life this year. I have refound my faith in God and although it isnt a strong as I want it to be, it is there which is a big change in my life from the last few months.
I was asked earlier this year "Who is God to you?"... this question has bugged me ever since because I couldnt answer it. I sat there blankly looking at the person saying I dont know. Tonight I was driving home from Ballarat and I was doing a lot of thinking. I had christian music playing and really felt God with me on my journey. I found my answer to this question. God is a warm feeling in my heart. That is who He is to me. And I know that when He isnt in there, it feels very cold and empty and lonely. I now feel confident to say to people when they ask me that question, my answer, a warm feeling in my heart. I feel I have finally discovered something about who I am, as I am trying to break away from being known as my mother's daughter... and this really helps me to feel like a person and an independent person at that. I had lost this warm feeling and now I have refound it. I hope that it doesnt go away, I want to feel it all the time. I do know that I have a lot of spiritual growth to do but I know that God has things in control and I feel I am trusting him with my future right now.
I just felt tonight that I needed to blog about this, it has felt really good to write it down and to share it with anyone who reads this.
So I ask you tonight - Who is God to you?

Love Catherine.


Anonymous said...

I have just found your blog and felt led to write and let you know I often think of you - God always walks with us even when we feel a little lost and uncertain and then when we are ready He sends someone, a word, music, quietness or anything else to get our attention and say 'Hey I love you and am here'
love Kaye
ps am looking forward to your next cooking adventure !!!!!

Gracious Warrior said...

I am waiting on a new instalment!!!!
Maybe your next cooking adventure? Who knows =P
Love ya xox